Get summer ready with laser hair removal now

It may seem like it’s several months away, but summer will be here before you know it. If you want to reduce or eliminate the need to constantly shave and wax before wearing your shorts or swimsuit, plan now to permanently reduce hair growth all over your body with laser hair removal treatments. Here are four reasons why now is the time to get treatment:

You want the most contrast between your skin tone and hair follicle for best results. Laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure that uses pulsed laser energy to remove unwanted hair on the body, most commonly on your face, bikini area, legs, arms, underarms, abdomen and back. For treatment to be most effective, you want the skin to be as pale as can be. This makes treatment more productive than the summer and fall months.

You’ll probably need several treatments spaced at least a month apart. For permanent results, you may need between three and seven treatments spaced up to six weeks apart. This is because your hair grows in three stages, and the laser is only effective on follicles in the full-growth stage. 

You will need to stay out of the sun. That gets more difficult as the days get longer and temps get warmer. You can expect some redness, soreness or swelling to occur immediately after treatment, but this will disappear after a few days. Avoid sunbathing and tanning beds six weeks after treatment. You’ll also need to use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 for the first month to prevent temporary changes in the color of the skin in the treated area.

Preparing your skin for laser hair removal takes some time. You should avoid waxing, plucking, electrolysis and bleaching the treatment area for six weeks before laser hair removal. You’ll also want to stay out of the sun and tanning beds for six weeks before treatment.

If you live in West Orange, New Jersey, or surrounding areas and want to learn more about laser hair removal with Advanced Dermatology Associates, P.A, call (973) 243-2300 today.